Meaning Quiz

Finding meaning is about having purpose in life.

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1 of 5

I make time to enjoy my interests/passions.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true

3 of 5

My interests help my relationships with others.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true


4 of 5

I’m ready to learn more about my interests and passions.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true


5 of 5

I feel that my interests point me in the right direction in life.

  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Not true at all

Very true

Please select an answer.


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You aren’t too sure where your purpose in life lies right now. But don’t worry because this is often something we all need to work on and refine from time to time. The best part is there is heaps we can do to build a greater sense of meaning and purpose in our lives.

You’re somewhat aware of what is important to you in life (that’s great!), and you sometimes have some satisfaction in where your life is going.

You know what’s important to you, and you get satisfaction out of focussing on activities that make you feel valued. This is good!

You’re totally aware of what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life and are trying to live a life that’s directed by your purpose. That’s pretty impressive!

You’re totally aware of what gives you a sense of meaning and purpose in life and are trying to live a life that is directed by your purpose. Not only that, you’re using your strengths and talents to belong and serve what you believe in. That’s pretty impressive!

Improvement Tip:

  • One of the keys to finding what gives you meaning is to reflect on your Strengths. You have a bigger (and easier) chance of finding meaning if you're using your strengths to engage in something you care about.
  • Try setting yourself an achievable goal to complete this week and acknowledge and reward yourself for getting it done.
  • Maybe even just try to help out around the house without being prompted to! Reflect on how it makes you feel.
  • Learn more about how to find Meaning in our Learn section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • One of the keys to finding what gives you meaning is to reflect on your Strengths. You have a bigger (and easier) chance of finding meaning if you're using your strengths to engage in something you care about.
  • Great meaning can be gained from contributing to something bigger than ourselves (i.e. to others, the community, school, a club, group or team you're apart of). Make a goal of getting involved or helping out with something that's not just about you. You might be really surprised at how good it makes you feel!
  • Maybe even just try to help out around the house without being prompted to! Reflect on how it makes you feel.
  • Learn more about how to find Meaning in our Learn section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • One of the keys to finding what gives you meaning is to reflect on your Strengths. You have a bigger (and easier) chance of finding meaning if you're using your strengths to engage in something you care about.
  • Great meaning can be gained from contributing to something bigger than ourselves (i.e. to others, the community, school, a club , group or team you're apart of). Make a goal of getting involved or helping out with something that's not just about you. You might be really surprised at how good it makes you feel!
  • Try setting yourself a long term goal, one that you can focus on and that will give you a sense of satisfaction. Make sure you acknowledge and reward yourself when you get it done.
  • Learn more about how to find Meaning in our Learn section.

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Improvement Tip:

  • One of the keys to finding what gives you meaning is to reflect on your Strengths. You have a bigger (and easier) chance of finding meaning if you're using your strengths to engage in something you care about.
  • Think about what really matters to you, and set yourself some long terms goals for yourself based on this. A helpful way of doing this is to think about how you’d like to be remembered. Maybe share your passions and goals with a close friend.

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Improvement Tip:

  • Reflect on your Strengths and how you could use them even better to achieve your long term goals. Consider any obstacles that would prevent you from achieving those goals. Brainstorm how you can overcome them.

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